Monday 18 April 2016

Eye for an Aye

Zach Forrest, others share strategies for identifying suboptimal movement and helping athletes make positive changes.

When seeing and correcting athletes’ movements, the most important thing to remember is to encourage, coaches said.

“We want to give them something to work towards—not something that they’re doing wrong. That helps us keep it positive. Because correcting by its very nature is critical. You’re telling someone they’re not as good as they could be,” explained Zach Forrest, owner of CrossFit Max Effort in Las Vegas, Nevada, and a member of CrossFit Inc.’s Seminar Staff.

“Some people respond well to being criticized and taking harsh corrections, but the majority of people do not.”

Seeing and correcting, Forrest added, are the two most important skills for a coach to develop.

“You’re only as effective as a coach as you can see and correct. The more that a beginner coach focuses on those specific two things, the broader of a foundation they have to grow from.“

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