Monday 1 October 2018

Archer Pushups — TechniqueWOD 141 w/ Doug Larson

I often want to do heavy pressing, but don’t have access to a bench and weights (traveling…). When this happens I usually choose to do variations of one arm push-ups; archer push-ups are one of my favorites.

They’re not quite a true one arm push-up as you’re still getting support from both arms, but the loading on a prime moving arm is much higher than it normally is during a standard push-up.

Depending on how strong you are you may only be able to do sets of 3-5 reps making it a great option for developing your pressing strength.

If you’re stronger than that, then true one arm pushups may be a better option. If that’s way too difficult, then you can stick to regular pushups or do one of the scaled options seen in the video.


-Doug (@douglaselarson)

The post Archer Pushups — TechniqueWOD 141 w/ Doug Larson appeared first on Shrugged Collective.

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